
Friday 17 April 2015

Random Updates!

So it's almost time for bed but right now I might quickly update you guys on a few things:

- The holidays are almost over :( School's starting in 2 more days and while yeah, there are some aspects I'm not looking forward to like setting my alarm clock and doing homework I am actually kind of excited to be seeing everyone again and I feel ready to do some more learning. I also kind of miss that like excitement and energy I get when I go to school. Am I the only one?

- I now have 3 blogs?!?! Yup, and it's quite a lot of work keeping them all updated but I do enjoy blogging so it's all goods (recently I have been saying that a lot, why I don't know). One is of course this one, another one I made with some friends for school and the last one is a personal one also for school. Phew!

- I changed the design on this blog! To be honest I'll probably keep and keep changing it but right now I'm really happy with the way it looks. I will definitely be adding more like hopefully social media icons and more things in the menu bar but I'm happy with the template and header. Seeing as I'm not very techy it will probably take me ages and like 10 tutorials before I figure out how to do it, but it's a good opportunity to learn, right? I worked ages on it and I really love the way it looks, especially as I don't think I'm quite ready for paying for a template. I might make a tutorial when  have time :)

Anyway, that's all the updates I have for now. I better get ready for bed soon because I'm attending my friend's birthday party tomorrow. (Happy early birthday Izzy!) ,

Josie xx

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Checking My New Year's Resolutions

 Hello world!

When 2015 started I of course made a huge list of resolutions. I told myself I'd actually follow up with them and I thought what would be a better time than now to check up and reflect on how I've done? So here we go:

Spread happiness: This one is almost always on my list of resolutions. I try, I do, but to be honest I don't think I've done much this year to go out of my way to make someone happier. I'll make a mental note about that.

Step out of my comfort zone: Hmmm, I actually don't think I've done too bad at this, and I intend to keep trying. I've participated in a lot of things at school and tried my best to get involved-even if I wasn't sure about it. I've also done some things that kind of scare me so yeah, I'm pretty happy with how I'm doing.

Be more responsible: Well, this year I've taken on quite a few responsibilities like looking after Noodle and being a councillor at school which definitely forces me to be more responsible. However, I do think it's kind of 'forced' and I'd like to be more responsible on my own, if that makes sense.

Be more polite: I think I do use my please and thanks yous whenever I feel it's necessary-which is quite often. However I think I'd like to work on saying good morning, hello,etc  and just generally greeting people more often.

Become healthier: Isn't this resolution like on everybody's list? Last year I worked on doing more fitness and exercising in general which I'm pretty happy with the amount I'm doing right now and so this year I'm focusing on eating healthier...which isn't happening. I do try, but junk food is just so tempting.

Find ways to help plane Earth: Like 2 years ago I was a little obsessed with helping this planet. My friends and I would even do beach clean ups and everything. However this yeah...I kind of forgot I had this resolution. Another mental note :P

Anyways so that rounds it up. I want you to take time to think about your resolutions (and if you didn't have any then set some now!) and see how you're doing with them. Comment on any of yours down below as I'd love to read them. Bye!

Josie :)

Saturday 4 April 2015

Noodle The Part Poodle Puppy

So kind of recently my family and I got a puppy! I've wanted one for as long as I can remember but my parents (well mostly my mum) always said no :/ But one day my mum finally gave in to my relentless begging and we made a deal. If I could do all my chores well, keep the house tidy and generally be a good child for a year then my parents would consider getting me a dog. And so right now I have a puppy sitting next to me!

 Her name is Noodle (she's part poodle and it sounded cute so...) and she's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel crossed with a Poodle so she's a...cavoodle! Noodle is definitely really playful and not the most well behaved puppy...she knows all the basics but only chooses to listen if she wants :P She also gets extremely hyper when she meets new people.

However, I still love her and now I almost can't imagine living life without Noodle. Yeah, she's a lot of work and sometimes eats rubbish but I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world :) I just posted this quick, short random post because I thought how could a post about a cutesy puppy not brighten your day?!?! Make sure you leave any comments about any of your pets below! Byee

Josie xxx